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Thoracic Surgeon in Rawalpindi

Find Thoracic Surgeon in Rawalpindi. Discover the best Thoracic Surgeon in Rawalpindi list with their details like Contact Number, Timings, Fees, and further information. Our esteemed Thoracic Surgeon stands at the forefront of delivering compassionate and comprehensive healthcare services. Embrace the transformative experience of Thoracic Surgeon in Rawalpindi and embark on a journey towards better health and well-being. Experience the best health care of Thoracic Surgeon in Rawalpindi, so schedule your appointment with a Thoracic Surgeon today.

Best thoracic-surgeon in Rawalpindi

thoracic-surgeon by area
  • Thoracic Surgeon
  • MBBs, FCPS
Hospital C.M.H.
  • Thoracic Surgeon
Hospital C.M.H.
Timing 1500 - 1800 hrs
  • Thoracic Surgeon
  • Mbbs , FCPS thoracic surgery registrar
Hospital C.M.H.
Timing 9am to 2pm
Thoracic Surgeon in Hospitals of Rawalpindi

Find Best Thoracic Surgeon in Rawalpindi

Thoracic Surgeons in Rawalpindi - Thoracic surgery is a medical specialty linked to heart, lungs, esophagus, and other chest organs. The Thoracic Surgeons possess the expertise in diagnosis and surgical treatment of diseases includes lung cancer, benign diseases and tumor of the lung, chest reconstruction after any trauma and esophageal cancer. Many Thoracic Surgeons also take additional extensive training in the sub-specialized area of chest. The Thoracic Surgery also includes lung transplantation, chest wall tumors, and gastroesphageal reflux. Thoracic Surgeons are also regarded as congenital heart surgeons, or cardiovascular surgeons.

Find the complete list of Thoracic Surgeon in Rawalpindi here on this page including male and female both. Area wise listing is also available to find your specialist doctors easily located near to you. You will also find here the list of best Thoracic Surgeon in Rawalpindi with complete details including phone no, hospital sitting address, clinic address, email, website, patient reviews and doctor ratings of Thoracic Surgeon in Rawalpindi. Also the information of Thoracic Surgeon in Hospitals of Rawalpindi is available online on HamariWeb. You can check the sitting timing of Thoracic Surgeons in Rawalpindi here on this page.

FAQ’s related to Best Thoracic Surgeon in Rawalpindi

How can I find a good Thoracic Surgeon in Rawalpindi?

To find a reputable Thoracic Surgeon in Rawalpindi visit this page.

How can I book an online consultation with a Thoracic Surgeon in Rawalpindi?

To book an online consultation with a Thoracic Surgeon in Rawalpindi, you can Visit our Doctors Pages.

Latest Comments

AoA sir Allah Pak ap kamybi atta fray Ameen

  • By: Fazal, Form: Rawalpindi

sir main ali nawaz mahar from ghotki sindh.sir aap nay meray maamoon pt sadhoo ki surgery pns shifa karachi mein ki thirst.ab wo fit hai.sir abhi aek aur pt hai jo aap say check up karwae ga us kay lie appointment chahiye.mera name ali nawaz hai contact no 03052919301.

  • By: ali nawaz, Form: Rawalpindi

Mein aik poor govt ahelkaar hu night time duty said wapsi per aik motorcycle Jo head light k baghair that samnay said achanak takra gaya air maira face zakhmi air upper jabra broke hai 7 family member hai surgery k expanses na hai please koi doctor surgeon Maori surgery reham kr k kr Santa hu tu give me response my number +923016213858 thanks

  • By: Abdul ghafoor butt, Form: Rawalpindi

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