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Skin Specialist in Multan

Find Skin Specialist in Multan. Discover the best Skin Specialist in Multan list with their details like Contact Number, Timings, Fees, and further information. Our esteemed Skin Specialist stands at the forefront of delivering compassionate and comprehensive healthcare services. Embrace the transformative experience of Skin Specialist in Multan and embark on a journey towards better health and well-being. Experience the best health care of Skin Specialist in Multan, so schedule your appointment with a Skin Specialist today.

Best skin-specialist in Multan

skin-specialist by area
  • Skin Specialist
Hospital Nishtar Medical College And Hospital
Timing ( on call )
Hospital Private
Timing N/A
  • Skin Specialist
  • MBBS,FRCM(USA),D-Dermate(Thailand)
Hospital Private
Timing 3.00pm to 11.00pm
Hospital Private
Timing 6.00pm to 8.00pm
  • Skin Specialist
  • MBBS, D.Derm., VDC, MScDermatology (UK)
Hospital Private
Timing 11.00 AM to 09.30 PM
Skin Specialist in Hospitals of Multan

Find Best Skin Specialist in Multan

Skin Specialist in Multan – Find best treatments for skin diseases or disorders from famous and renowned Skin Specialists in Multan listed online on Health page of HamariWeb. Skin Specialist are also called as Dermatologist that deals with skin related disorders, and provide treatment to their patients according to their skin conditions. You can get best advices from your Skin Specialist to maintain and beautify the face and body to enhance your person’s appearance. Skin Specialist in Multan holds the expertise of other cosmetic problems such as scalp, hair and nails.

The Dermatology Department of Hamdard University Hospital conducted a research from September 2011 to August 2012, there were 1733 patients enrolled comprising of 936 (54%) females and 797 (46%) males. There were 728 (42%) children and 1005 (58%) adults. The results of the research depicts that the infections and infestations were the most common problem faced by all encompassing 37.4% of all the enrolled patients of which 399 were children and 250 adults. Eczema is the second most issue discovered comprising of 313 patients including 150 children and 163 adults. Third skin problem reported was of Acne seen in 229 patients.

Find the list of Skin doctors operating in Multan. Get the contact details, address, location, reviews, rating & ranking of professionally acclaimed Skin Specialist in Multan. You will find the complete list of Skin Specialist in Multan here on this page including male and female both. Check out the Skin Specialist’s information from every region of Multan.

FAQ’s related to Best Skin Specialist in Multan

How can I find a good Skin Specialist in Multan?

To find a reputable Skin Specialist in Multan visit this page.

How can I book an online consultation with a Skin Specialist in Multan?

To book an online consultation with a Skin Specialist in Multan, you can Visit our Doctors Pages.

Latest Comments

Strech mark ki koi cream ese achi wali batye jo pakistan kay medical store par mil jaye

  • By: Abdul, Form: Multan

Assalamualikum im zoya ek month phly mera accident hogaya tha jis ki waja sy meri eye black hogai or wo ab tk thek nh howi

  • By: zoya, Form: Multan

Dr. khuram iqbal ch bohat he Qabil dr hai

  • By: Iftikhar Ahmad, Form: Multan

Dr. khuram iqbal ch bohat he Qabil dr hain

  • By: Iftikhar Ahmad, Form: Multan

Sir mera proisis ka problem ha 4 saal sy dono paon py ha kya mera ilaj mumkin ha

  • By: Farhan, Form: Multan

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