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Maryam Memorial Hospital

Find Maryam Memorial Hospital Rawalpindi information, We provide details related to Maryam Memorial Hospital Rawalpindi like contact number, address, fees, Doctor List with timings so that you can book Appointment and more. Whether you need medical help so take a look at the details which help you to decide what's best for you at Maryam Memorial Hospital Rawalpindi.

Contact Details of Maryam Memorial Hospital

Address : 2/311,Peshawar Road
Phone : +92 51 864 680
More Number : +92 51 864 680, +92 51 864 681, +92 51 864 682, +92 51 864 661
City : Rawalpindi
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About Maryam Memorial Hospital

Maryam Memorial Hospital is committed to excellence in health care through sustainable resources. It aims at providing the best health care service at most economical cost possible thus broadening the base of the health facility to the people of Pakistan. It wishes to introduce quality in health service and encourage the pursuit of continuous quality improvement. It believes in the synergy of health, human resources and innovation. All adults’ males over 30 and women over 40 should regularly be subjected to a yearly checkup of their general health and specifically cardiac health.

The page is based on the basic information about the renowned Maryam Memorial Hospital. The hospital has private rooms for providing comfort to our patients during the admitted healthcare service delivery. The private rooms are equipped by all required amenities expected of as per international standards. You can access the contact details and consultation timings of the doctors operate in Maryam Memorial Hospital. You can browse and search for Kidney centre, Cancer Hospitals, Children Hospitals, Clinic, Eye Hospitals and General Hospitals in Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Hyderabad, Rawalpindi and other districts of Pakistan.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Maryam Memorial Hospital Rawalpindi Contact Number?

You can contact Maryam Memorial Hospital Rawalpindi at +92 51 864 680, +92 51 864 681, +92 51 864 682, +92 51 864 661.

What is the address of Maryam Memorial Hospital Rawalpindi?

Complete Address of Maryam Memorial Hospital Rawalpindi is 2/311,Peshawar Road .

How to book online appointment in Maryam Memorial Hospital Rawalpindi?

You can book online appointment in Maryam Memorial Hospital Rawalpindi by calling their contact number +92 51 864 680, +92 51 864 681, +92 51 864 682, +92 51 864 661, or by their offical website.

What are the operational timings of Maryam Memorial Hospital Rawalpindi?

The operational timings of Maryam Memorial Hospital Rawalpindi is 24/7, for more information visit hospital.

Is Emergency Service available in Maryam Memorial Hospital Rawalpindi?

Yes, Emergency Service is available in Maryam Memorial Hospital Rawalpindi.

Reviews & Comments

I have heard many good reviews about Maryam memorial hospital. The details mentioned on this page are very helpful. This page helped me find a good doctor for my problem.

  • By: Shaheena, Form:Islamabad

Your list of doctors of Maryam Memorial Hospital is outdated and misleading.

  • By: Mansoor, Form:Islamabad

I have facial. Palsy problems. Since 2 month

  • By: Hamza rafique, Form:Rawalpindi

Anyone know which one is the best gyne in this hospital who treated pcos

  • By: Tunina, Form:Dubai

Day light robbers Allah ki pnah taking advantage of poor people problems shame a big shame

  • By: Muneeb , Form:Islamabad

Disclaimer: All material on this website is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The data information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, which is gathered from different sources but might have some errors. Hamariweb.com is not responsible for errors or omissions. Doctors and Hospital officials are not necessarily required to respond or go through this page.