Lightning Strike Treatment
Victims of lightning strikes may suffer cardiac arrest.
They require prompt, aggressive resuscitation.
1. Help the Person When It Is Safe
If you are at risk from ongoing lightning, wait until danger has passed or move
to a safer place if possible.
2. Begin CPR
It is safe to touch the person. The body does not retain an electrical charge.
Because cardiac arrest is the most common cause of death in lightning victims,
immediate resuscitation of people struck by lightning greatly improves survival.
If the person is not conscious and does not appear to be breathing normally, use
an automated external defibrillator (AED), if one is on hand, or:
For a child, start CPR for children.
For an adult, start adult CPR.
Do not remove burned clothing unless necessary.
3. Treat for
Shock, if Necessary
Lay the victim down with head slightly lower than trunk and legs elevated and
4. Follow Up
The emergency medical team will assess the person's condition.
At the hospital, the person will be examined for internal or neurological
injuries and burns.
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