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Madina Teaching Hospital

Find Madina Teaching Hospital Faisalabad information, We provide details related to Madina Teaching Hospital Faisalabad like contact number, address, fees, Doctor List with timings so that you can book Appointment and more. Whether you need medical help so take a look at the details which help you to decide what's best for you at Madina Teaching Hospital Faisalabad.

Contact Details of Madina Teaching Hospital

Address : Sargodha Road, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Phone : +92 41 886 9862
More Number : +92 41 886 9862, +92 41 886 9861
City : Faisalabad
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About Madina Teaching Hospital

The idea of MADINAH TEACHING HOSPITAL (MTH) was conceived by Haji Muhammad Saleem (Chief Executive Madina Group of Industries). It is established with the aim of providing state of the art medical and nursing services to deserving peoples of the community. ‘Madinah Teaching Hospital’ acts as a model institute to alleviate the sufferings of ailing humanity, particularly patients from the underprivileged cross-section of the society, by providing high quality specialist, preventive, consultancy, diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative services, including surgery and transplants, irrespective of colour, creed, religion or social status, free of cost. Madinah Eye Center was established at Jhang Road Faisalabad in 1989 with the motto “NO DONATION ONLY PATIENT”. By the grace of Almighty Allah and persistent hard work of staff, the centre achieved the confidence of patients gradually. In the year 2004 Madinah Medical Center shifted to present location Sargodha road and renamed as Madinah Teaching Hospital (MTH). It was upgraded to 650 bedded teaching hospital in 2005 with the keen interest and efforts of Chairman BOG (Madinah group of industries) Mian Muhammad Hanif. The page is based on the basic information about the renowned Madina Teaching Hospital. You can access the contact details and consultation timings of the doctors operate in Madina Teaching Hospital.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Madina Teaching Hospital Faisalabad Contact Number?

You can contact Madina Teaching Hospital Faisalabad at +92 41 886 9862, +92 41 886 9861.

What is the address of Madina Teaching Hospital Faisalabad?

Complete Address of Madina Teaching Hospital Faisalabad is Sargodha Road, Faisalabad, Pakistan .

How to book online appointment in Madina Teaching Hospital Faisalabad?

You can book online appointment in Madina Teaching Hospital Faisalabad by calling their contact number +92 41 886 9862, +92 41 886 9861, or by their offical website.

What are the operational timings of Madina Teaching Hospital Faisalabad?

The operational timings of Madina Teaching Hospital Faisalabad is 24/7, for more information visit hospital.

Is Emergency Service available in Madina Teaching Hospital Faisalabad?

Yes, Emergency Service is available in Madina Teaching Hospital Faisalabad.

Reviews & Comments

The every information are provide at this online way of the Madina Teaching Hospital that having in this schedule authentically with the every doctor’s timing of treatment

  • By: Ghafoor, Form:Faisalabad

Madina Teaching Hospital. This is such a huge and clean hospital. I don’t like the smell of medicines in hospitals but in this hospital there is no such smell

  • By: Hamdan, Form:Faisalabad

The Madina Teaching Hospital is the best for the patients who don’t get the better diagnose from any hospital in the Faisalabad as what I experienced before

  • By: Nihal, Form:Faisalabad

Bone scan for cancer how much?

  • By: Abrar, Form:Multan

AS SALAM O ALAIKUM Is there any service related to Eye shell (artificial) we have a dire need ALLAH bless all the healers aur Patients

  • By: Adan Zari, Form:Faisalabad (Info.jamiluzair@gmail.com)

Disclaimer: All material on this website is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The data information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, which is gathered from different sources but might have some errors. Hamariweb.com is not responsible for errors or omissions. Doctors and Hospital officials are not necessarily required to respond or go through this page.