Shalamar Hospital
Find Shalamar Hospital Lahore information, We provide details related to Shalamar Hospital Lahore like contact number, address, fees, Doctor List with timings so that you can book Appointment and more. Whether you need medical help so take a look at the details which help you to decide what's best for you at Shalamar Hospital Lahore.
About Shalamar Hospital
Shalamar Hospital is runned under the supervision of Businessmen Hospital Trust, Shalamar Institute of Health Sciences. Shalamar Nursing College (SNC) and Shalamar Medical & Dental College (SMDC) are also operating under the umbrella of Businessmen Hospital Trust.
Key Facilities:
• The Hospital is Lahore based and is situated in a well-known area of the city.
• Aims to provide free and support financial medical treatment to hundreds of thousands of patients of Lahore who are unable to afford the expensive treatment.
• There is a 24-hour emergency facility that allows a maximum number of patients to benefit from the medical services of the hospital.
• Shalamar Nursing College fills the gap of trained nurses for the Hospital and it trains the students to take good care of the patients.
• In order to provide quality treatment and round-the-clock service to hospital patients, the trained and qualified paramedical staff is a critical pre-requisite.
• Shalamar Nursing College fills this need through training of nurses. A piece of 18 acres of land was provided by the government of Punjab to Businessmen Hospital Trust for the establishment of a tertiary care teaching hospital.
• The location of the land at Shalimar Link Road made it possible for the hospital to extend healthcare facilities not only to the patients of the lower-income population of Northern Lahore but also to community living in its surroundings.
• Some of the recognized specialized services available at Shalamar Hospital are Gynae & Obstetrics, Physiotherapy, Urology, Nephrology, Cardiology, Audiology, Pathology, Dentistry, Internal Medicine to name a few.
This page is based on the basic information about the renowned and popular Shalamar Hospital. You can access the basic information and contact details of doctors along with their specialties for your ease in treatment and select the best doctor according to your medical condition. The relevant information of the professional doctors and surgeons you can find at You can also have a look at the list of male and female doctors of Shalamar Hospital are available here. You can get hold of the contact details and consultation timings of doctors serving at Shalamar Hospital from HamariWeb.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Shalamar Hospital Lahore Contact Number?
You can contact Shalamar Hospital Lahore at 92-42-111205205.
What is the address of Shalamar Hospital Lahore?
Complete Address of Shalamar Hospital Lahore is Shalimar Link Road MughalPura, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, 54000 .
How to book online appointment in Shalamar Hospital Lahore?
You can book online appointment in Shalamar Hospital Lahore by calling their contact number 92-42-111205205, or by their offical website.
What are the operational timings of Shalamar Hospital Lahore?
The operational timings of Shalamar Hospital Lahore is 24/7, for more information visit hospital.
Is Emergency Service available in Shalamar Hospital Lahore?
Yes, Emergency Service is available in Shalamar Hospital Lahore.
Disclaimer: All material on this website is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The data information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, which is gathered from different sources but might have some errors. is not responsible for errors or omissions. Doctors and Hospital officials are not necessarily required to respond or go through this page.