Shahzad Eye Hospital
Find Shahzad Eye Hospital Karachi information, We provide details related to Shahzad Eye Hospital Karachi like contact number, address, fees, Doctor List with timings so that you can book Appointment and more. Whether you need medical help so take a look at the details which help you to decide what's best for you at Shahzad Eye Hospital Karachi.
About Shahzad Eye Hospital
SEH is a tertiary day-care eye centre which provides state-of-the-art facilities for the correct diagnosis, treatment and care for patients. SEH first started as Shahzad Eye Clinic in 1992. Shehzad eye clinic started from a small room clinic, and it grew into a very large and much-facilitated hospital. Shahzad Eye Hospital started providing high-quality care at affordable prices, which still stands true. Shehzad eye hospital is the first hospital to bring ‘phacoemulsification’ cataract surgery in 1995 in Pakistan. Dr Shahzad invited Dr Paul Rosen from Oxford who introduced the new technique, which is now the gold-standard for cataract surgery. This, of course, has brought better results for the patients. The hospital acquired the latest vitrectomy machine, which is cutting edge technology in the surgical care of vitreo-retinal diseases. The patients and their families can feel confident in the fact that when they come to Shahzad Eye Hospital, they will receive a high standard of care by qualified surgeons, who work with honesty and dedication for their care. The most modern equipment is used at shehzad eye hospital for the treatment of patients.
The page is based on the basic information about the renowned Shahzad Eye Hospital. You can access the contact details and consultation timings of the doctors operate in Shahzad Eye Hospital.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Shahzad Eye Hospital Karachi Contact Number?
You can contact Shahzad Eye Hospital Karachi at 9221-34988034 , +9221-34823148.
What is the address of Shahzad Eye Hospital Karachi?
Complete Address of Shahzad Eye Hospital Karachi is B-2 , Block-16 ,(Near P.I.A Planetarium), Gulshan-e-Iqbal,Karachi. .
How to book online appointment in Shahzad Eye Hospital Karachi?
You can book online appointment in Shahzad Eye Hospital Karachi by calling their contact number 9221-34988034 , +9221-34823148, or by their offical website.
What are the operational timings of Shahzad Eye Hospital Karachi?
The operational timings of Shahzad Eye Hospital Karachi is 24/7, for more information visit hospital.
Is Emergency Service available in Shahzad Eye Hospital Karachi?
Yes, Emergency Service is available in Shahzad Eye Hospital Karachi.
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