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Memon Medical Institute and Hospital - MMI

Find Memon Medical Institute and Hospital - MMI Karachi information, We provide details related to Memon Medical Institute and Hospital - MMI Karachi like contact number, address, fees, Doctor List with timings so that you can book Appointment and more. Whether you need medical help so take a look at the details which help you to decide what's best for you at Memon Medical Institute and Hospital - MMI Karachi.

Contact Details of Memon Medical Institute and Hospital - MMI

Address : Hyder Buksh Gabol Road, Safoora Chowrangi, K.D.A., Scheme 33,
Phone : 021-34691147-154
More Number : 021-34691147-154, 021-34691159-164
City : Karachi
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Doctors in Memon Medical Institute and Hospital - MMI

About Memon Medical Institute and Hospital - MMI

Memon Medical Institute and Hospital – MMI is a 332-bed tertiary care hospital project with state-of-the-art infrastructure that is designed according to the international standards. It is a not for profit set up. It is 100% donor funded project that aims to serve people regardless of their caste, creed, colour, religion or ability to pay. It has a Patients’ Welfare Program to support the needy.
Memon Medical Institute and Hospital – MMI has a covered area of 320, 000 sq. ft. It is centrally air-conditioned and designed to meet International Standards. It has 100% self-power generation. Nursing School, Medical College and Research Institute are planned on 11.5 acres. Memon Medical Institute and Hospital – MMI is one of the most well interior and beautiful hospitals of Karachi. There are many professional doctors working in Memon Medical Institute and Hospital - MMI.
The page is based on the basic information about the renowned Memon Medical Institute and Hospital - MMI. You can access the contact details and consultation timings of the doctors operate in Memon Medical Institute and Hospital - MMI. You can browse and search for Kidney centre, Cancer Hospitals, Children Hospitals, Clinic, Eye Hospitals and General Hospitals in Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Gujranwala, Hyderabad, Rawalpindi and other districts of Pakistan.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Memon Medical Institute and Hospital - MMI Karachi Contact Number?

You can contact Memon Medical Institute and Hospital - MMI Karachi at 021-34691147-154, 021-34691159-164 .

What is the address of Memon Medical Institute and Hospital - MMI Karachi?

Complete Address of Memon Medical Institute and Hospital - MMI Karachi is Hyder Buksh Gabol Road, Safoora Chowrangi, K.D.A., Scheme 33,.

How to book online appointment in Memon Medical Institute and Hospital - MMI Karachi?

You can book online appointment in Memon Medical Institute and Hospital - MMI Karachi by calling their contact number 021-34691147-154, 021-34691159-164 , or by their offical website.

What are the operational timings of Memon Medical Institute and Hospital - MMI Karachi?

The operational timings of Memon Medical Institute and Hospital - MMI Karachi is 24/7, for more information visit hospital.

Is Emergency Service available in Memon Medical Institute and Hospital - MMI Karachi?

Yes, Emergency Service is available in Memon Medical Institute and Hospital - MMI Karachi.

Reviews & Comments

Memon Medical Institute and Hospital are near my home. Dr Shahnaz Bibi is a professional and experienced gynaecologist there and she treated me while I was in a very critical condition. Thanks to Allah Almighty and then to the doctor. She is highly recommended by me.

  • By: Noreen, Form:Karachi

It’s a pathetic hospital in which inexperience and non professional Doctors are treating people in ICU and due to their inexperience and lack of knowledge patients are loosing their lives ,my Grand son was expired on Dec 5th 2014 he was admitted after having fits in ICU at 5.30 PM on 5th Dec 2014 under DR Aneela Haroon who was in hospital and we had discussion with her however she left the hospital without visiting our child and our child was treated by young inexperience Doctors who could not diagnosed his illness properly and didn’t treated him well and at about 9.30PM we were told that our child has stopped breathing and they are shifting him to ventilator (where as he was all fine at time of his admission we were told that he is fine and stable.) If you care for your dear ones than never trust these inhuman Doctor’s .our child was expired on 5th December 30, 2014 11.pm however we were kept uninformed that he is in critical condition and being treated on 6th December , 2014 11.00am we were told that our child is no more they are so inhuman people they kept our dead child 12 hours on ventilator which is evident from their report provided to us his pupils were fixed when he was examined on 5th December , 2014 at 11.15PM.

  • By: Kulsoom , Form:karachi

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