Aziz Medicare
Find Aziz Medicare Karachi information, We provide details related to Aziz Medicare Karachi like contact number, address, fees, Doctor List with timings so that you can book Appointment and more. Whether you need medical help so take a look at the details which help you to decide what's best for you at Aziz Medicare Karachi.
About Aziz Medicare
Aziz Medicare was founded on 11 the July 1998 by Dr Imtiaz Aziz and his wife Mrs Noorjehan Imtiaz with a vision to serve humanity following a simple principle "Quality Healthcare for all". This is not just a motto but a mission. Both husband and wife struggled day and night to make Aziz Medicare progress and achieve certain milestones. It was their determination and hard work that makes Aziz Medicare what it is today.
The objective of Aziz Medicare is to utilize innovative technologies and provide quality healthcare services, in the most conducive environment for the betterment and wellbeing of the diversified communities of Karachi. To make sure that the legacy of Aziz Medicare stays on course both the sons of Dr Imtiaz Aziz, Mr.Faraz Imtiaz Aziz a graduate of Brunel University London and Mr. Ahsen Imtiaz Aziz, a graduate of York University Canada foresee the operations and day to day affairs at Aziz Medicare, to keep the ethos of AMC alive.
It is imperative for a healthier society that patients are not just treated well but also educated on various health and body related problems. Therefore Aziz medicare also acknowledges their patients about their problems. The page is based on the basic information about the renowned Aziz Medicare. You can access the contact details and consultation timings of the doctors operate in Aziz Medicare.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Aziz Medicare Karachi Contact Number?
You can contact Aziz Medicare Karachi at 92-21-32235500.
What is the address of Aziz Medicare Karachi?
Complete Address of Aziz Medicare Karachi is Silver Jubilee Cntr., 194/2 Britto Rd., Gdn (E).
How to book online appointment in Aziz Medicare Karachi?
You can book online appointment in Aziz Medicare Karachi by calling their contact number 92-21-32235500, or by their offical website.
What are the operational timings of Aziz Medicare Karachi?
The operational timings of Aziz Medicare Karachi is 24/7, for more information visit hospital.
Is Emergency Service available in Aziz Medicare Karachi?
Yes, Emergency Service is available in Aziz Medicare Karachi.
Disclaimer: All material on this website is provided for your information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action or inaction should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The data information and opinions expressed here are believed to be accurate, which is gathered from different sources but might have some errors. is not responsible for errors or omissions. Doctors and Hospital officials are not necessarily required to respond or go through this page.